Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Hatefest at University of Toronto (Israel Wiped Off Map) (LGF)

At the University of Toronto, the Arab Students' Collective is currently holding a peaceful, tolerant little genocidal hatefest called: Israeli Apartheid Week.

The page linked above is hosted at the official University of Toronto web site.

This is the graphic they've posted to promote the event:

Notice anything missing from that map of Israel? Like ... oh, I don't know ... Israel?

Here's the University's official statement on the matter.

Concerns have been raised by some members of the community about an upcoming series of events to be held on campus by the Arab Students' Collective under the title Israeli Apartheid Week. Those opposed to the content of these events have urged the University to force the Arab Students' Collective to cancel its activities. We will not. To do so would violate the University's fundamental commitment to freedom of speech. ...

The very fact that the Arab Students' Collective and other campus groups exist speaks to a central value of the University of Toronto. As an academic community, we have a fundamental commitment to the principles of freedom of inquiry, freedom of speech and freedom of association. In this context, campus groups avail themselves of campus facilities for activities. ...

With respect to the events planned by the Arab Students' Collective, the University has no reason to believe that the activities will exceed the boundaries for free speech as articulated in the Statement on Freedom of Speech. The U of T upholds the fundamental principles of open dialogue and tolerance within its community. The ability to question, examine and comment on issues of the day, even when such commentary may be repugnant to some, is central to the mission of the University. Having said that, all University activity is subject to the laws of Canada, and behaviour or speech that constitutes hatred or incitement to hatred against any group will be dealt with quickly and appropriately.

Advocating the destruction of an entire nation: hate speech, or wonderful example of tolerance? Discuss.

UPDATE at 2/7/07 11:38:42 am:

Here's the larger version of the poster above, with the full hatefest program listing. All of the usual crypto-fascist "peace" groups are represented; Christian Peacemaker Teams, International Solidarity Movement, Al-Awda, etc.

And this Friday, the Arab Students' Collective is proud to feature America-hating fraud Ward Churchill.

UPDATE at 2/7/07 1:15:41 pm:

Correction: that schedule is from last year's hatefest. The itinerary for this year's hatefest is here: ISRAELI APARTHEID WEEK 2007: FEB 12-17.

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