Thursday, March 22, 2007


Walt and Mearsheimer Book In the Works (Backspin)
The Harvard Crimson reports that Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer are writing a book. Care to guess the topic?

Two leading political scientists are writing a book extending their controversial argument that the domestic pro-Israel lobby bends U.S. foreign policy disproportionately in favor of Israel, one of the authors, Stephen M. Walt of the Kennedy School of Government, confirmed yesterday....

The forthcoming book will be published by New York-based Farrar, Straus and Giroux and is due out in September, according to Walt, who declined to answer other
questions about the book. Mearsheimer did not respond to phone calls to his office in Chicago.

How timely. Exactly one year ago, [BackSpin] blogged a number of responses to their study.

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