Thursday, March 22, 2007



Two men, a Palestinian and an American, an academic and a journalist, independently discussed in separate venues the militarization of Palestinian youth.

The American, New York Times reporter Steve Erlanger, wrote a long feature last week in which he almost entirely ignored the widespread phenomenon of hate indoctrination. The Palestinian academic, Dr. Nadir Sa'id, spoke openly about it on Palestinian television March 6. Palestinian Media Watch translated his words:

What happened in Palestine in the last years is speech incitement of the highest degree. Violence speech of the highest degree in mosques, and occasionally in the media, from many politicians. . . . there are Imams who incite to killing: killing of women, beating children, killing the "other," rejection of the "other's" opinion. A whole generation was raised on the denial of the "other" and erasing him completely, and to the possibility of killing him without any restraint or problem.

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