Saturday, March 31, 2007


Iran says Israel planning attack on neighboring Arab states (YNET)
Iranian Chief of Staff Gen. Hassan Fayrouz Abadi warned leaders of Arab countries that Israel is planning to launch a war this summer, the Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

"Zionists and the Quds (referring to Jerusalem) occupying regime intend to exercise a suicidal plan next summer, and this suicidal plan of the Zionists and American neoconservatives, the implementation of which would start from the occupied Palestinian lands, will not serve the interests of anyone in the world," the general was quoted by Fars as saying.

"Firstly, I warn the dear leaders and Muslim brothers in the neighboring countries of the occupied territories that this suicidal attack of the Zionists is threatening them," he said.

According to the report, the Iranian military official further stated that the plan intends to “prevent the withdrawal of the US troops from Iraq and the region and that it will pose a danger primarily to Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan and then Saudi Arabia and all other countries in the region.”

Abadi said it was the “Israeli Zionists” who encouraged the Bush administration to send troops to the region, adding, "and now that the US Senate, Congress and people have grown vigilant and realized that the US’s national interests are victimized for the Zionist devils and urge withdrawal of US troops from the region, Zionists and neoconservatives have devised a suicidal operation to justify extension of the mission of the US troops in the region."

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