Thursday, March 22, 2007


2-year-old Palestinian killed in Fatah-Hamas gunbattle (YNet)
A two-year-old boy was killed during exchanges of fire between Hamas and Fatah gunmen in Gaza, Palestinian sources in the region reported Thursday evening. The child's 60-year-old grandmother was injured in the leg. Gunbattles in region are continuing.

Palestinian girl severely injured by Palestinian-lobbed rocks (YNet)
A Palestinian girl was severely injured after the vehicle in which she was riding was hit by stones thrown by Palestinians south of Bethlehem. IDF forces gave the girl first aid, and she was transferred to an Israeli hospital for treatment. (Efrat Weiss)

Fatah activist injured in skirmish (YNet)
Several Fatah militants were injured in exchanges of fire in Beit Lahiya northern Gaza Strip in clashes between Hamas and Fatah. (Ali Waked)

Hamas Gunmen surround house of Fatah official (YNet)
Palestinian sources have reported that a large number of armed Hamas militants have encircled the house of Samih el-Madhun, al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades chief in the Gaza Strip. The clashes started when el-Madhun's associate was killed by Hamas Wednesday. (Ali Waked)

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