Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hamas: Misrule in Gaza - Jonathan Schanzer (New York Post)
Hamas, the terrorist group that Palestinians last year elected to govern their territories, is failing to govern at all. March alone saw at least 46 kidnappings of civilians in Gaza, as well as over 25 killings of Palestinians by fellow Palestinians. Foreigners who came to help are starting to flee for their lives. Iranian-trained Hamas forces are battling Egyptian-trained Fatah forces. In short, Hamas has not made the transition from terrorist group to government.

Gaza Is Becoming Somalia - Joshua Brilliant (UPI)
A Somalia-like chaotic situation developing in Gaza seems to have contributed to Israeli restraint in the face of Palestinian provocations. The Palestinian rocket attacks peaked this week while Israelis celebrated their 59th Independence Day.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum sounded elated when he talked to a Yediot Ahronot reporter. "How are you feeling today in Israel? You have a holiday today," he said and burst out laughing, the newspaper reported.

A military source in the IDF Southern Command said Hamas has been involved for some time in planting bombs near the border and in sniper fire Chaos and infighting in Gaza have reached frightening proportions. The Palestinian Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights reported Tuesday that during the first three months of 2007, 147 people were killed and 918 injured in clashes and feuds, double the number of victims in the first quarter of 2006.

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