Saturday, April 28, 2007


The Hate Industry: Articles and Cartoons in the Jordanian Press (Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center)
The Jordanian media publishes articles and cartoons which combine vicious messages of hate against Israel with anti-Semitic and, at times, anti-American themes. The Jordanian government, which signed a peace treaty with Israel, does not put an end to these publications, which contribute towards an atmosphere of hate and hostility against Israel and the Jewish people.

On April 12, 2007, the Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab al-Yawm published an article titled, "From the Holocaust Industry to Terrorism," dealing with Holocaust denial, by Muwaffaq Muhaddin, which begins: "Not a single country in history was founded by turning fiction into fact - save for the country of the Jewish enemy." On March 9, 2007, Ad-Dustour published an article titled "The Integral Relationship between Zionism and Nazism, by Rakan al-Majali, a regular columnist.

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