Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Nadia's Next Effort: Jewish Racists (

Is Columbia's Nadia Abu El-Haj about to embark on an endeavor to give academic veneer to the "Jews as Nazis" slander? .... Here are a few snips from Paula Stern's Nadia's Future Work?

As disturbing as Nadia El Haj's past work is, her future "research" seems to be even more chilling.

Nadia Abu El Haj, has announced her intention to write what her colleague Joseph Massad describes as "a book about the "Zionist movement('s)…desperate contemporary search for Jewish 'genetic markers' " to support "its continued investment in the racial separateness of the Jews." Following are some details about Nadia's use – and misuse – of genetic research by nationalists...

...Someone recently attended a Brown Bag luncheon last spring to hear Abu El Haj speak on "Jews and Arabs: The Shifting Boundaries of Kinship and Difference." What this person heard was simply chilling...

...She chose to focus on what she called the "Jewish Racial Science" as practiced by Jewish physicians in Mandatory Palestine. Eugenics was fashionable and more than respectable in that era. Today, we look back with horror at a time when respectable people advocated selective breeding and Justices of the United States Supreme Court now recalled with the greatest respect for other decisions they signed, endorsed forced sterilization of the genetically inferior...

...She gave descriptions of these Jewish physicians that made them sound like Joseph Mengele, although the Nazi scientists were not actually discussed, and these eugenist physicians did not sterilize anyone – they merely talked, mostly about who should breed and who should not. No context of the international eugenics movement was discussed, only what was made to appear as the appalling racialism of the Jewish professional class in Mandatory Palestine. The vile racialism and eugenic proposals of that group were alone held up for revulsion. During the discussion period, all questioners appeared to accept that early twentieth century Jewish racial science was a unique phenomenon...

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