Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Next Week at UC Irvine: 'The UC Intifada' (LGF)

Following their Holocaust Denial Week at the University of California Irvine, the Muslim Students Association is planning a gala anti-Israel event next week, featuring some of the superstars of hate speech and antisemitism. Blogger Reut Cohen found the schedule on Facebook: Next Week: Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitism Week at UCI . It's beyond outrageous that the administration of this school has allowed such evil hatred to take root on their campus. They should be thrown out and investigated.

A week long series of events aimed at educating and inspiring people to get involved in supporting justice for palestine.

May 14:
why palestine?
12-1pm @ flagpoles —-> Imam al Asi

6pm @ crystal cove—-> Imam al-Asi

May 15
12-1pm @ flagpoles—-> Lenni Brenner

The Trail of Tears- Roots of Israeli Apartheid
6pm @ crystal cove—-> Dr. Hatem Bazian

May 16
Antisemitism: The Zionist Facade
12-1pm @ flagpoles—-> Rabbi Weiss

Israel: A Mockery to Democracy
6pm @ crystal cove—-> Lenni Brenner

May 17:
Terrorists, Freedom Fighters and the Holy Land
12-1pm @ flagpoles—-> Amir Abdel Malik Ali

The UC Intifada: How You Can Help Palestine
6pm @ crystal cove—-> Amir Abdel Malik Ali

for questions, please email:

We would appreciate if you could specify in the comment board which program you plan on attending. Thank You.

UPDATE at 5/9/07 11:03:06 am:

Here is a video of Amir Abdel Malik Ali's speech from last year's hatefest, titled "Israel, the Fourth Reich."

UPDATE at 5/9/07 11:22:00 am:

Here's a contact page for the president of the University of California (not just the Irvine branch, the whole system), Robert C. Dynes.

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