Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Former Israeli-Arab MK Advises PA Terror Groups on Hizbullah TV (INN)
Former Israeli-Arab MK Azmi Bishara, on the run from the law and living in Jordan, appeared on Hizbullah television over the weekend.

"Fatah and Hamas must form a strategic unification including all resistance movements,” Bishara advised. “This will allow us to meet our goal."

Bishara faces charges of treason, aiding enemy forces in wartime, contacting a foreign agent, funding terror activates and money laundering if he returns to Israel. Both Hamas and Hizbullah have issued statements in support of Bishara, Bishara's TV appearance heralded Israel’s retreat from Lebanon in 2000 as a great precedent. "The victory in 2000 was a victory not just for Lebanon, but for all Arab people," he said. "Lessons must be learned from this victory.”

Asked by a Jordanian paper whether he was considering going back to Israel, Bishara said: "I don't like Israel. I never liked sitting in the Knesset. It was a sacrifice and a concession I made with myself."

Speaking at a conference in the Jordanian capital later on Saturday, Bishara called Israel “colonialist,” referring to all Israelis using the Arabic word for settlers. Bishara said that actions like the Disengagement from Gaza were only meant to preserve the Jewish majority in pre-1967 Israel - while in truth, Israeli-Arabs should actually be allowed to vote Israel out of existence.

"Just like the white people in South Africa went about their business in a democratic way, so does Israel,” he said. “The settlers [referring to all citizens of Israel –ed.] behave in a democratic fashion and the original residents [Israeli-Arabs –ed.] have been made into a minority who can participate in the democratic process.”

The resigned MK answered claims that nowhere else in the Middle East would he be given the freedom of speech to work against the state within which he resides: "Give us Palestine,” he said, “and take your democracy back.”

According to United Press International, Bishara has decided to make the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan his new home. He is living in a home in Amman.

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