Tuesday, May 29, 2007


IDF Kills 2 Hamas Terrorists in Operation Inside Central Gaza (INN)
Two Hamas terrorists were killed and several others captured by an elite IDF unit in a counter-terror operation inside central Gaza early Tuesday morning. The two dead terrorists, Abdul Karim Sha’ath and Mohammad Muamar, were shot while trying to escape.

There were no injuries reported among the IDF troops.

While the IDF continues to score successes in Gaza, the limited, pinpointed strikes are not stopping the Kassam rocket fire. Former IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon said last week that no solution other than reversing the IDF’s departure from Gaza is tenable. "The problems in Gaza won't go away,” he said. “Nobody can solve it for us - not Egypt and not an international force… You have to be blind to think entering Gaza in unnecessary."

Meanwhile, four senior operatives from the Tanzim terrorist organization, sponsored by Palestinian Authority Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, were arrested by security forces early Tuesday. Tanzim is an offshoot of the Fatah organization.
All four terrorists were involved in bombings and shooting attacks against Israelis in which civilians were murdered and wounded, and belong to a larger terrorist infrastructure guided and funded by Iranian-backed Hizbullah terrorists in Lebanon.

One of the men arrested by the IDF in the Balata neighborhood of Shechem was Jamal Abdel Hamid Mohammad Tirawi, one of the heads of Palestinian General Intelligence in Shechem and a member of the Fatah Legislative Council.

The 41-year-old terror mastermind was responsible for the 2002 suicide bombing at the Bialik Café in Tel Aviv which killed an Israeli woman and wounded 29 others.

Jamal Tirawi is also related to Tawfik Tarawi, the terrorist who formerly headed the Al-Aksa Brigades and now heads the Fatah intelligence unit. Tawfik Tarawi is also the Fatah faction’s parliamentary spokesman.

Another member of the Tanzim cell who was caught, 25-year-old Rabiah Farid Mousah Abu Lil, is suspected of participating in a shooting attack near Migdalim in January 2005, in which two IDF soldiers were killed and another wounded, as well as the killing of an IDF officer in May 2005.

The other two terrorists, 35-year-old Najeh Salim Atiah Abu Shahin and 24-year-old Faras Mohammad Hassan Rian, also face charges of participation in bombing and shooting attacks near Migdalim as well as on IDF soldiers operating in Shechem.

SEE ALSO: Senior Fatah Terrorist Arrested in Ramallah
IDF forces arrested Haled Jamal Mussah Shawish, the head of the Tanzim terror infrastructure in Ramallah, who was actively involved in recent years in several terror attacks. Shawish also trained other Tanzim operatives in bomb-making and explosive belt construction, executed bomb attacks, and directed a number of suicide bombings. (IDF Spokesman/Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


UPDATE: Terror leader arrested having car sex near Arafat's grave (WND)
According to Israeli security officials and Palestinian sources in Ramallah speaking to WND, the terrorist was arrested while having car sex just a few hundred feet from late PLO leader Yasser Arafat's gravesite.

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