Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Arab family attacks police for saving girl's life (Israel Today) (Hat tip: Uncle Sticky)
An Israeli Arab family on Tuesday reacted violently after police officers prevented a teenage girl related to them from committing suicide.

The girl, whose father died one year ago, climbed over a protective barrier along a cliff at the Ein Gedi nature reserve and attempted to hurl herself into the gorge below. A police officer managed to grab the girl's hand just as she was going over the edge.

The girl told police that she wanted to die so she could join her father. She was later placed under psychological care.

For their trouble, the police were kicked and spat on by four drunk members of the girl's family.

One officer told Israel National News that he and his colleagues were shocked by the family's ungrateful response. "If we'd come even half a minute later, she would be dead."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that trailer trash comes in many varieties, colors and ethnicities.