Monday, May 28, 2007


Israeli Man Killed in Palestinian Rocket Attack on Sderot - Mijal Grinberg, Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff
Oshri Oz, 36, of Hod Hasharon was killed Sunday when a Palestinian rocket fired from Gaza hit the car in which he was driving in Sderot, the second person killed by a Palestinian rocket in less than a week. 22 Palestinian rockets fell on or near Sderot over the weekend. (Ha'aretz)

See also A Man of Courage - Shelly Paz
The Palestinian rocket that ended Oz's life landed 30 centimeters from his vehicle, spraying him with shrapnel and fatally wounding him. Oz, a computer technician, traveled to Sderot several times a week as part of his work. Oz is survived by his pregnant wife and three-year-old daughter.

Six Palestinian rockets hit Sderot on Sunday. One slammed into a newly-built community center. Another struck the home of the Hazan family - the second time a rocket has hit their house. David Hazan and his 15-year-old son were both at home when they heard the siren sound, and managed to rush into the security room. A moment after they closed the door to the room, a Kassam rocket scored a direct hit on their house. (Jerusalem Post)

See also Palestinians Fire Seven Rockets at Sderot on Monday - Mijal Grinberg (Ha'aretz)

See also Video: Sderot Bleeds from Kassams (YouTube)

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