Sunday, September 30, 2007


Livni responds to Brooklyn swastikas (JPost)
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni shook the lulav and etrog on Sunday on the steps of a Brooklyn synagogue where the congregation awoke last week to find swastikas scrawled throughout the neighborhood.

The symbols, spray-painted on the steps of Chabad synagogue, Congregation B'nai Avraham and its neighboring Reform Brooklyn Heights Synagogue, were discovered just a few days before the start of Succot, while leaflets with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel slogans were placed on neighborhood cars.

"When anti-Semitism raises its ugly head, we need a quick and strong answer," said Livni, standing outside the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue. "This is the right message to those who try to exploit tolerance and values."

Livni was joined by New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who said the city was one of the most tolerant in the country.

"One thing we won't tolerate is this type of vengeful behavior," said Kelly.

A 20-detective task force was assigned to investigate the incident. The 23 different markings were believed to be the work of one individual.

"So far all leads are negative," said Kelly.

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