Sunday, September 30, 2007


Anti-Semitic Jihad (al-Khazen) by Jonathan Schanzer (JPC)

Why does the Arab world blame an insidious Jewish cabal for America's anti-terrorist or anti-autocratic policies in the Middle East? There are many reasons, ranging from jihadist ideology to vitriolic state-run media. The book The Israel Lobby by professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer has also added recent fuel to the fire.

Here's another reason: Jihad al-Khazen.

Jihad al-Khazen is an anti-Israel, anti-American, anti-Semitic columnist for the London-based al-Hayat, one of the leading newspapers in the Arabic Diaspora. Though al-Hayat is somewhat pro-West on some issues, al-Khazen's ink poisons the editorial page. In a recent column, the Lebanese columnist openly admits, "Throughout my journalistic career I have mainly focused on criticizing the United States and on attacking Israel." His blatant lies and vitriol, in the last month alone, are worth recounting. (READ ON)

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