Sunday, September 30, 2007


UN: We have criticized Israel unfairly (JPost)

The United Nations Human Rights Council has not managed to deal fairly with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the council's president Doru-Romulus Costea told a Spanish newspaper on Saturday, according to Israel Radio.

Doru admitted that he was dissatisfied with the fact the council had overly focused on the degree of human rights violations by Israel.

"The body which I head must examine the actions of both sides equally, and we have not done that," said Costea. "Clearly, from now on things need to change."

Israel Radio reported that earlier this week, US President George Bush criticized the UN Human Rights Council, saying that it had put too great an emphasis on Israeli actions.

SEE ALSO: New York: UN Secretary General visits Livni's sukkah (YNET)
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited a special sukkah built in New York City for Foreign Affairs Minister Tzipi Livni. Ban said the he decided to attend the festivities as a symbol of "the celebration of harmony and tolerance between all religions." Foreign affairs ministers, ambassadors, US Congressmen and Christian and Muslim religious leaders also attended the event.

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