Wednesday, October 3, 2007


MPACUK's Reckless Endangerment, with Fauxtography (LGF)
The Muslim Public Affairs Committee, a UK radical Islamic front group that doesn't even try to hide their vile antisemitism (they've previously linked to and used images from neo-Nazi web sites), has published the name, address, and phone number of a shop that's selling... gasp!... blood dates! Alert! Blood Dates: Muslim Shop Supports Israel!

A Muslim sister writes in desperately seeking help:

"In a nutshell Sabar Brothers in Slough are selling Israeli dates - last time I got screamed at when I complained. When MPACUK helped with an Action Alert the shop-owners were abusive to others who called in and then went to the Jewish Chronicle to defend themselves.

This year they are selling big boxes of Israeli Carmel dates for £9.99 each also Jordan River dates (which they have purposely labeled Jordan River dates on a piece of cardboard to mislead people to think they come from Jordan) - even though I looked closely and I saw a little sticker that said 'product of Israel' in French on the box.

Since last year Sabar bros has had a large extension, a roof built for the covered market, and they have put in four flat screens which usually blast Bollywood songs but this month only ARY QTV is playing. They make enough money and stock loads of Tunisian, Iranian, Saudi dates there is no need for them to stock Israeli dates! I won't shop there anymore unless they stop supporting Israel, but it needs other Muslims to tell them the same."

Last Wednesday Israel killed 11 Palestinians in 9 hours following its targeting of Gaza as "hostile territory," setting the stage for plans to cut off electricity to the 1.4 million residents of Gaza. How can any Muslim say 'Bismillah' as they break their fast with Israeli dates that help support this?

Don't be silent in the face of oppression – please phone them now and tell them you will boycott their shop unless they stop selling Israeli produce:

Sabar Bros
Tel: [deleted – ed.]
Address: [deleted – ed.]

REMEMBER: Check whether your local shops are selling Israeli dates (Boycott all product of Israel - including Carmel, King Solomon and Jordan River dates). Ask your local shops to support the boycott.

It's blatant intimidation, using the fear of violence to force this Muslim merchant to fall in line and stop selling Israeli products.

And in a real-life example of the persistence of propaganda, MPACUK is distributing a flyer to promote the boycott, using an early piece of Palestinian fauxtography that constantly shows up in deceptive Islamic anti-Israel campaigns:

It's an iconic image of a Palestinian boy being arrested by Israeli security forces, so brutalized by the inhuman Jews that he lost control of his bladder:

This image, cynically employed to prey on people's natural sympathy for a scared child, does not tell the whole story. Another photo taken a few minutes earlier supplies some important context. You see, this scared little boy was anything but innocent—but clearly knew how to play to the media cameras:

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