Wednesday, October 3, 2007


LIED TO BY CNN? (Honest Reporting)
Jewish community professional Jay Tcath describes in the Jerusalem Post what happened when CNN asked him to assist in and appear on Christiane Amanpour's " God's Warriors":

She [CNN's producer] learned of our JCRC through her mother, a non-Jewish resident of a Chicago suburb who admired our leading role in advocating an end to the Darfur genocide. It was precisely this type of activity, the noble pursuit of justice by grassroots people motivated by religious impulses and acting through religious institutions that the young producer claimed the network and its star correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, wanted to explore. After all, she told us, it is such a decent, important activity and so much more real, common and under-reported than the conventional stereotypes promoted by the mass media. She insisted that CNN's aim was not to focus - as others do ad nauseam - on the radical fringes among the Jews, Christians and Muslims....

Tcath said the CNN crew arrived in February to film his organization painting Israeli bomb shelters and holding talks with representatives on Capitol Hill on subjects ranging from Israel and Darfur to hate crime legislation and social services.

So why then did virtually all of the footage end up on the cutting room floor? I have my suspicions:

1. The producer was sincere and she and perhaps others at CNN wanted to create a program along the lines she originally described, but lost an internal battle over editorial content;

2. She and perhaps others at CNN sought to lull us into doing or saying something on tape that would have fit their "Jewish Warrior" story line, or;

3. We were simply lied to.

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