Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Syria Preparing for Guerrilla War on Israeli Soil (JAWA REPORT)

golan_syria.jpgAn anonymous source has revealed to The Jawa Report that the Syrian episode is far from over, despite Israel's silent smile of victory and Syria's hitherto lack of response.

Using the war with Lebanon-Hezbollah of last summer as a model, Syria is preparing its own guerrilla war, in large part by starting a new terror organization-- elements of which are based inside of Israel-- called the Committees for the Liberation of the Golan.

While the Hezbollah-like committees have been formed for some time, The Israeli attack on an alleged nuclear target in Syria may have catalyzed Syria's guerrilla-war plans.

Mohammad Habbash, a member of the Syrian parliament, told reporters yesterday that Syria may resort to guerrilla war:

"If the Israeli side launches attacks, believe me we will be very harsh in our response," stated Habbash. "It will be a guerrilla war. There will be guerrilla warfare coming from Lebanon and Syria, and it will be very harsh."

A senior leader of the new terror group, Committees for the Liberation of the Golan, reveals in journalist Aaron Klein's new book Schmoozing With Terrorists, that, "If an agreement is not quickly forged between Israel and Syria [for an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan], we will begin attacks,"

A source revealed that the Israeli security services, including Amos Yadlin, head of the IDF's intelligence branch, will confirm in a forthcoming WND article that Syria is preparing a guerrilla group and that Syria is under pressure from Iran to respond to Israel's air strike.

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